Location: Contempo Cafe, Contemporary Resort
Price: $3.29
Welcome to this week’s Favorite Food Friday where we share our favorite foods with our friends. This week we are enjoying the brownie found at many of your resort counter service restaurants and other locations on Disney Property. This particular brownie was purchased at the Contempo Cafe at the Contemporary Resort. Besides ice cream, brownies are my next favorite food group, put them together and I’m in heaven. I’m a big fan of the Disney brownie, it’s not overly rich and the brownie is always moist. Oh and be on the lookout for Mickey shaped sprinkles, there is a couple orange and red ones on our brownie below.
What is your favorite sweet treat?
I probably wouldn’t be attracted to the Disney brownie because it looks like a Little Debbie brownie to me. When I’m at Disney and I’m hungry for sweets, I try to hunt down things I can’t find at home. Your description of it does sound tempting, though!
Iiiiii…..need that for breakfast right now.