by Sean | Apr 29, 2014 | Epcot, Future World, Tips and Tricks
As they conceived Epcot, many new types of ride vehicles had to be invented, the standard omnimover would not give the Imagineers what they were looking for. One of these attractions ended up with a vehicle that is rotated on a bed of air. Which attraction would you guess that would be?

The answer is The Universe of Energy! The new concept of the traveling theater allowed for something never done before at Disney, the combining of different types of experiences: film, live action, and special effects. But, it also added a level of complexity to the mix, how could they build the attraction with large traveling theaters which had to change directions easily in such a small space.
Disney developed the turntable. These turntables had to rotate 80 tons of traveling theaters quickly and quietly. The turntables are able to do this by using 60 air bags mounted under each turntable. The air bags are inflated which raises the theater about 1 inch and excess air provides a layer of air between the vehicle and the floor below. This process virtually eliminates any friction and allows for a small motor to turn the 80 ton theater.
So, have fun riding on the giant hockey puck next time you ride the Universe of Energy.
Looking for more Trivia – be sure to check out TIGGERIFIC TUESDAY TRIVIA, hosted by Magical Mouse Schoolhouse, My Dreams of Disney, and Heidi’s Head!
by Sean | Dec 18, 2013 | Epcot, Future World
Throughout the Disney property there are many Holiday displays with lots of different ways to use gingerbread. One our favorite finds this year is the Tribute to Disney Parks and Resorts from around the world on display in The Land pavilion at Epcot.
The Display is located between the Circle of Life entrance and the Garden Grill Restaurant. Below is a short tour of this display.

by Sean | Nov 12, 2013 | Epcot, Future World, Tips and Tricks
Did you know today’s Tiggerific Tuesday Trivia About The Water in the Seas with Nemo and Friends?
Do you add a little salt to your meal, how about a truck load? The Seas with Nemo and Friends (formally The Living Seas) takes a lot of water and salt to keep the Friends happy. But how much, let’s take a guess.
To get the water prepared how many truckloads of salt was required???
A. 10
B. 17
C. 22
D. 27

The recipe called for 27 truckloads of sodium chloride, or common table salt. Just a tad bit more than what comes on your fries. And some other fun facts, spaceship earth could fit inside the aquarium with room to spare. It is 203 feet in diameter, 27 feet deep and holds 5.7 million gallons of salt water. As you look in at the over 8,000 fish and other sea animals you are looking through 6 to 8 inches of acrylic windows. And, to keep all the friends fed they go through over two tons of food each week, yes each week.
by Sean | Aug 8, 2013 | Epcot, Future World, History
The Wonders of Life pavilion opened their doors in October of 1989, seven years after the opening of Epcot Center and as New Years was being celebrated and welcoming in 2007 it closed it doors. Today it is used off and on for special events, one of these is during the Flower and Garden Festival, so you can still get a peek inside during these events.

The pavilion was dedicated to Body and Healthy style attractions. Including the following:
- Body Wars – this was the main reason we would visit the pavilion. Body Wars was similar to Star Tours at Hollywood Studios. The same ride system so over the past years parts have been used as replacements for Star Tours. The ride shrinks you down and puts you into the body to help do a white blood cell count at the location of a splinter. But, the doctor is pulled into the blood stream which sends you on a journey through the blood stream and into the lungs. Finally the team has to head to the brain to gain energy to repower the ship so you can leave the body.
- Cranium Command – this was a fun theater style show which explained the brain and it’s interactions with different parts of the body.
- The Making of Me – was a Martin Short movie about birth. Although funny, as a kid this was not on my must see list.
- There were also many play areas including my favorite the Wonder Cycles where you could pedal power a TV. Yep you would pedal a bicycle and the TV would come on, what kid wouldn’t find that cool. I really worked up a sweat.
I still miss Wonders of Life and wonder what attractions from the pavilion do you miss most?
by Sean | Aug 6, 2013 | Epcot, Fantasyland, Future World, Magic Kingdom, Walt Disney World, Wordless Wednesday
Theme: August Calendar

by Sean | Jul 29, 2013 | Epcot, Future World, Hidden Mickey
Today’s Hidden Mickey Monday is from one of my favorite rides – Living with the Land. As you pass through the greenhouses, pay special attention for some Mickey shapes. Yes you can find them in the pumpkins and other fruits and veggies, but also pay attention to how the colored plants are arranged. Take a look at this not so hidden extra large Mickey.

Leave us a comment and let us know your favorite hidden Mickey on the Living with the Land attraction.
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