by Sean | Mar 30, 2020 | Adventureland, Magic Kingdom
With many things including our favorite parks closed down, I wanted to use the next Month to share some of my favorites with you. For the next 4 weeks (1 park a week) I will be sharing some of my favorites with you and I invite you along to do the same and share your favorites with us. Enjoy and stay safe!
- Monday – Favorite Land or Park Area
- Tuesday – Favorite Family Ride
- Wednesday – Favorite Counter Service Restaurant
- Thursday – Favorite Thrill Ride
- Friday – Favorite Meal
- Saturday – Favorite Table Service Restaurant
- Sunday – Favorite Show
This week I will be going with the first park and my favorite, the Magic Kingdom.
My favorite area of the Magic Kingdom is Adventureland, this area of the park is themed around the remote jungles in Africa, Asia, or even the South Pacific. You can hear the drums in the background and all the large trees in the area give you a feeling of remoteness. Even the paths wind around simulating the thick jungle and giving you the anticipation of what’s ahead. Adventureland also features one of my favorite treats and rides in the park, but you will have to come back later this week for those…… Now tell me, if you had to pick what’s your favorite area of the Magic Kingdom????
by Sean | Dec 17, 2013 | Adventureland, Magic Kingdom, Tips and Tricks
Did you know this Tiggerific Tuesday Trivia about the Cat in the Osborne Family Spectacle of Dancing Lights?
It’s a beautiful time of year at the parks, this past Saturday we spent some time under a heavy downpour admiring the Osborne Family Spectacle of Dancing Lights. As we neared the entrance to Lights Motors Action we spotted this years hiding spot for the Osborne Cat. Did you ever wonder why this cat is in a Christmas display?
As you know the Osborne family started the light tradition in 1986 with only 1,000 red lights. The display grew to 3 million lights in 1993, because of the size of the display and the crowds it caused the family was faced with court battles to shut it down. Luckily Disney approached the family about bringing the display to the parks and now at over 5 million lights we all get to enjoy it every year.
But, what about this cat, well when the trucks loaded up the display a cat from the Osborne’s Halloween display was mistakenly loaded. The team at Disney was prepared to send it back to the Osborne’s but the family said just to keep it and rather than throw it out the team at Disney decided to have some fun and hide the cat in a different spot each year.
Can you spot the cat?
Take a real good look in the tree…..

Can’t make it to the parks for the lights – here is something to tide you over…..
Don’t miss our latest Giveaways!!!
by Sean | Oct 30, 2013 | Adventureland, Magic Kingdom, Walt Disney World
Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Cruise….. Yes, I know we haven’t finished trick or treating or carving the turkey yet, but it’s exciting to announce the first ever Holiday makeover at Walt Disney World. Beginning in early November, Jungle Cruise at both Disneyland park and Magic Kingdom Park will temporarily transform into “Jingle Cruise” for the holiday season! Ho! Ho! Ho!

The Jungle Cruise will be transformed with a new seasonal story line centered around the Skippers receiving some festive decorations from home as they are homesick around the holidays. Boats will be renamed and be prepared for a new batch of corny, I mean hilarious, jokes to help get you into the Holiday spirit. Listen carefully as you pass through the Jungle as you just may hear one of your favorite holiday songs playing somewhere in the distance. The fun will debut on Nov 8 at the Magic Kingdom and Nov 12 at Disneyland.
How excited are you for the first ever Holiday makeover at the Magic Kingdom?
by Sean | Aug 15, 2013 | Adventureland, History, Magic Kingdom
How many of you were the captain of your own Jungle Boat? How many of you had kids kicking and screaming wanting to drive the boats after riding the Jungle Cruise? OK, maybe it was just us, but who here remembers Shrunken Ned’s Junior Jungle Boats, this often overlooked attraction was located just to the right after you exited your Jungle Cruise Boat on the Paradox (Pair of Docks).
Shrunken Ned’s was open from January 1997 till August of 2012. 15 years in business is a good run, but many asked about Shrunken Ned’s either didn’t know it existed or knew about the remote control boats but didn’t know the name. To drive the boats you needed 2 tokens that could be purchased for $1 each with each trip lasting a few minutes.
The pond in which the boats moved had intriguing obstacles like tikis and elephants, and each ship was commanded via an authentic-looking ship’s wheel and throttle The steering was not at all precise so even a skilled driver had a tough time. Getting out of a corner was next to impossible. The last few years in business we found many of the boats out of order and had to round up cast members to get our money back to find a new boat.
If you enjoyed this blog then my name is Sean and this is the DisneyDayByDay blog. If not, then my name is Bill and this was Pirates of the Caribbean. Enjoy the rest of your day here at DisneyDayByDay!
Don’t miss all the other great Disney History on the hop this week and enter our current Giveaways: Back To School and Celebrating 4 years with Gluten Free and Dairy Free at WDW

by Sean | Aug 12, 2013 | Adventureland, Hidden Mickey, Magic Kingdom
Our Hidden Mickey this week was found the Magic Kingdom after riding The Magic Carpets of Aladdin. After everyone is seated the Cast Member walks around the ride and then goes into the control booth. Next time you are exiting the ride, look into the control booth at the emergency lighting. There it is! A 3D Mickey. Where did you find a Hidden Mickey?

Want more Hidden Mickeys? Be sure to head over to our friends Frontierland Station and Plus the Magic.
by Sean | May 14, 2013 | Adventureland, Magic Kingdom, Tips and Tricks
Did You Know Today’s TIGGERIFIC TUESDAY TRIVIA About The Pirates Of The Caribbean?
When Walt Disney World opened in 1971 it was missing one of the greatest attractions, Pirates of the Caribbean. Why was this? Well turns out the landlubbing Imagineers didn’t think that the Florida residents would take to a Caribbean attraction due to its proximity. Needless to say the guests didn’t think the same and demanded it.
After it’s introduction in 1973 it quickly became one of the most popular attractions at the park. But it was an E ticket t’ ride which cost 85 cents for adult and 75 cents per child, so start savin’ your nickels.